I am born and bred in Dagenham and have seen a very large influx of immigrants to this borough.People keep defending the borough council in their so called unbiased and fair housing allocation system,but its a farce.This is because the coucil have a duty to keep open 2% of council housing for immigration and emergency housing.On an estate of around 20,000 houses controlled by the council this is 400 houses.What is not counted is that once these immigrants are housed,the house allocated to them goes OFF the list (for obvious reasons) and another house is kept open to maintain that 2% balance.As time goes on less houses are available for allocation and the houses that were part of the 2% are housed with immigrants.This is all without taking into account all the houses rented by the council from the private sector,that the borough rents on behalf of immigrants.These houses are being rented to people indiginous to the borough also,but the ratio for locals to get housed before others is non existant and thats the unfairness.