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Do you hate mobile phones?

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RJUKL | 23:13 Wed 24th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
These pesky things are the most intrusive pieces of technlogy to date. People walk along the street talking on them, they are texting or reading a text while speaking to someone else and if the damn thing rings in the middle of a conversation they *** it to their ear as though their life depended on it. Who agrees?


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weird or what? Where the three *** appear above it is to replace the word ***. Why??
I do. I only have one in case I need to contact hubby when I'm out or call a taxi. Mine is a very basic one on pay as you go. All these new fangled gadgets some of them have are beyond me.
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Totally agree,watch them walking around with this small device that rules their whole being!!
I through a paddy one night in the pub when we were trying to play poker. One blokes phone kept beeping and ringing and he kept answering it. In the end I threw the bloody thing across the pub.
I never leave the house without mine....but I have manners. Tomorrow I will be taking my Nan out and my phone will be on silent. It will only be checked if I need a wee.
Oh dear, good job MarkRae's not about, of course I meant threw not through.
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Whew, I am so glad someone agrees with me. I have been given two mobile phones "pay as you go" by my children for when I am driving at night and twice I have lost all the money that was on them because I had not made any calls. I also lost the number that I had finally remembered. I am so annoyed that I am not even using it any more. the b thing had always run out of juice when I did need to use it anyway.

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Do you hate mobile phones?

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