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Emmerdale's Gay Story...

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Bbbananas | 12:30 Fri 26th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
anyone see this episode last night, with Paddy guessing Aaron's secret? Absolutely brilliant acting from both actors - very emotional and ,I thought, realistic. It brought me to tears. I hope these scenes are remembered when it comes to the next soap awards.


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I don't know anyone who watches it...
Really good acting , poor paddy being bashed by aaron : (
paddy has guessed that he is doing drugs - I dont think he suspects (at this moment in time) that he is gay.
He sussed arron had gay tendencies last night , arron mentioned he used to be in awe of a lad who played football that he knew
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It was all disclosed last night conne (in the Yorkshire tv area). Excellent episode. The scene on the stairs where Paddy told Arron he thought of him as his son and that he loved him, set my tearducts flowing.
salla it was very moving and I too, hope they are up for an award just as I thought Emily who plays the vicars wife, should have got one last year for her role as a mum losing her baby to a cot death, but this was overlooked, I think Emmerdale is like the Lib-Dems of the soap world and it's a shame
I agree absolutely -that young actor was brilliant -the tears were tripping me and I bet now that we will see him in the future as a major player in films.His performance was incredible and if helps just one young person who is fighting what they perceive as demons then he has done a fantastic job..

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