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One born..

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hippyhoppy | 20:47 Sat 03rd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
both mine were sliced out of me.. feel less of a 'mother' more like a curmugeon..


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Don't worry, all that huffing puffing and pushing is not particularly good news either.
you have such a poetic way with words!
-- answer removed --
Don't worry....mine came out a bit too easy...!!
you know when your a mother when you say "because I said so.."
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lol - sasssy - I've just bought the oldest a ticket to Reading festival and a tent.. think I need to purchase some condoms too boot!!!
Or as my Dad said....

Thatsa why..!!
I wouldn't let my daughter go!
lol Hippy.....I have a rake of condoms. The kids have been blowing them up...
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oops - then I'm in a bit of a pickle.. she's/dad had paid for the ticket.. I bought the tent (a tenner from Asda) and she's sharing with a lovely boy called Max... Am I wrong to trust her then..? (Bearing in mind what I was like at 16!!) (actually I was quite lovely!)
lol, that's your shout!
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OK- will pin all my hopes on my lad... sod the girl! lol
excellent plan ;o)
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coolio - he's been scouted by some lovey football/rugby teams.. ok - the girl is history!

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One born..

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