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Do You Find Brian Cox Sexy??

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poodicat | 17:55 Sun 04th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Grrrr the science professor!!


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No, he's like your favourite nephew.
Hi poodi, only popped in yesterday to see if missing cat had turned up and missed your hello xx
Yes, I think he is sexy :D
Err no..not really. Do you?
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Hi bensmum,i like is natural sexy accent
No nor me - pretty, damned clever, but not sexy.
Who is Brian cox???
I think his knowledge of his subject and the way he puts that across is sexy. :D He's not that special to look at otherwise
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Apparentely he cant go shopping without getting mobbed
Neither can I or is that mugged !!
Maybe you should distinguish between the actor and the physicist! LOL
sorry. just noticed you did!
As Mr Cox said that as the only comparable scientist would be Patrick Moore he was confident of being considered the sexier of the two.
Don't forget Magnus Pyke - he was a fox!

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Do You Find Brian Cox Sexy??

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