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I'm just popping...

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NoMercy | 15:24 Mon 05th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
outside to top up my wine. If I'm not back by July... send out a search party... :-)


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I can come and help you drink some if you have that much.
Benny from Crossroads "just popped out to the shop", and no-one ever saw him again! Are you popping out to refill your glass or your cellar?
Just checking NoM your'e not back yet.
I'll head the search party
which year?
Have you any ideas where he might go, maybe there's a queue at Oddbins
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He who?

I'm a laydee...
There was I thinking about Captain Oates stepping outside in the Antarctic never to be seen again. Sorry about the gender thing it's hard to know who is who.
All is well (unlike Capt Oates) NoMercy has returned! How much did you get on the empties? (:-)))
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Enough to buy you something decent to wear...
Any particular occasion in mind?
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Well we can't ship you off to charm school without a new outfit...
Very good of you to offer, but I couldn't accept money of a stranger
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And they don't come stranger than me...
Well I hope you have had a pleasant Easter and wish you sweet dreams. ttfn
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I must say goodnight now too. It's been a pleasure talking to you.. an absolute pleasure ! You have a really special evening. Buh bye.

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I'm just popping...

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