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missprim | 19:23 Tue 09th Aug 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Anybody know the name of a sweet variety of dessert pear? - l - g - m - t. Thanks in advance.


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Bartlett is the one that springs to mind but doesn't fit with your letters!
I think it's bergamot and the l is wrong
Are your letters correct? I can't seem to find anything that fits.
Lizzy's right. It's got to be Bergamot.
But bergamot is an aromatic herb with purply-red flowers and its leaves are used to flavour, among other things, teas, desserts and confectionery. It's neither sweet nor a pear!  I've just consulted my fruit-growing "bible" which list 97 varieties of pear along with over 120 alternative names for many of them, and there's nothing even remotely like those letters........
You learn something every day, don't you?  Never looked at Australian pears - thanks for the info!
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Thanks all of you.The l was should have been e, so Bergamot was the right answer,well done.

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