My baby bird is fleeing the nest today. In her own words "I'm 25 mumzy, and it's about time I got my own crib".
She's only going, as the crow flies, about 800 yards away - if we stand in each others' gardens & shout really loud we might just be able to hear each other - handy for barbies. At one point she & her BF were talking of living in Australia, so just around the corner is not so far away really.
looks that way Bobbi, job restructuring etc. but a job until my numbers come up hopefully xxx not usually here this time of day, any nice people about apart from u and Salla ??
I felt absolutely desvastated when my little chick flew the nest at 19yrs, but she's been back 3 times and is currently back now. I liked it when she'd gone and I actually had a tidy house and, for a while, money in my pocket. Didn't last!
Good grief-she's left it late!!
Mine was back and forth from the age of 16.....but has been away now since she was 18-the past 4 years at Uni in London.....and she is still a bit younger than
Funny how they are all so different.