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do you believe in u.f.o's

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stokemaveric | 14:41 Sat 10th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
have you ever see1??? i only ask because i have just see the footage of the 1 flying over the m5 with 2 jets racing towards it...very strange....


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Yes, I have seen one.
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really naomi...was it good?
Well, it was interesting to say the least. Fascinating actually. I have no idea what it was, but I saw it in broad daylight, it flew silently and swiftly just above the rooftops of a group of four storey blocks of flats, and it definitely wasn't a weather balloon! Oh, and it wasn't 'saucer shaped'. It was round, like a ball.
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sounds weird naiomi..i havent see 1 but they do fascinate me....
I caught a ufo on this video - near the end of it.

And it's on video so it must be genuine.
Ufo at bournemouth
Me too.
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Yes I do and aliens too , how else can you explain CARABINTS posts?
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Yes I've seen loads!
i saw something last september here in cambridgeshire. It was just after dark and we were driving home after a day out with friends (they were in car behind) We were about 6 miles from home
Mr CRX was driving so i didnt say anything when i saw a bright orange light in sky. I thought it was a plane as we have many waiting overhead for stansted but it moved suddenly across the sky before disappearing.
A few days later a neighbour stopped me asking if we had been home that eve. She thought we had been as she'd seen our garden light go on, but mustve been cats as we arrived home about 10 mins after she had seen our light.
Anyway she said she'd seen a UFO. She was watching out of the back of her house when she saw what she thought was a plane in the sky. She said it took 2 seconds to move from one side of her field of vision to the other.
I immediately called the friend who was in the car behind us tha night and just asked if she'd seen anything odd on way to ours that night. without any further prompt she told me she'd seen this light too, joking that she thought it was a UFO but hadnt mentioned it as her husband hadnt seen it and thought she was being silly.

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do you believe in u.f.o's

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