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Size of Scale

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Bob906 | 13:22 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Could anyone tell me what roughly is the size when a model car is quoted as 1:80 scale. I am old school and all these metric sizes are confusing.


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1/80th of actual size
That's not metric, thats telling you what scale its been made at. So whatever the model measures, multiply it by 80 to get the real life measurement. This will work whether you measure it is cm or inches.
bushbaby_de is right, that's how ratios work, for every 1 part the actual size part is 80. You could measure it in carrots if you please, for every 1 carrot the size of the actual car is 80 carrots. Now I know that that was a total waste of time but I enjoyed it...
Measure the car in mm's and tell us the measurements :)
lol i must of been wrong then ;)

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