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what happened to CARABINT....and was it really him?

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Bobbisox | 14:47 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
or someone else
the plot
Bobbi ♥


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It's actually quite small. I would post the description but I left the bag in the pub (behind the bar) and forgot to get it in my drunken state....I also left other 'embarrassing' things in the bag and have rang loads of people to see if they can pick it up for

The shop keeper looks like the best bet at the moment...
Waiting for pics on FB next week
If the Snag hadn't dropped the phone in the bath.....!!!! Waiting for a new one to arrive.

Do you do earrings Peri?
Carabint disappeared last night along with Chris Hitchins (who was No-Know).
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why DEN?
was he bing offensive
-- answer removed --
It was probably an accident Bobbi....

Very hard to type with a cat that thinks it can breast feed......
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lol@ummm still doing that then huh?
Joy - neither were being offensive, as far as I could see.
I don't post much in here anymore...tho I do take notice of what's going on. I became a bit wary of CARABINT after he started to appear on here more often...several months ago. I couldn't put my finger on it....but he seemed different-and did remind me of S. Maybe that was the 'real' him...who knows...we may never know....unless he returns.

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what happened to CARABINT....and was it really him?

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