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is there a doctor online ?

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l15a270 | 23:21 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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that's a big ask.. you might do better with NHS Direct..
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tried but no online chat service
Go to Body & Soul, ask for sqad.
Nite sara , <bonny lass>
Bobbi ♥
night night Bobbi ♥ xx
It's OK, you don't need to do to B&S and ask for sqad, his name has been mentioned now, he will turn up.
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thanks will try x
I'm a doc, tell me whats wrong
-- answer removed --
Is there a anesthetist online?
You've got two threads going asking the same question - if you want to talk to someone about a medical problem, 0845 46 47 or go to

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is there a doctor online ?

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