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ukip party

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zzxxee | 08:17 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
whats your opinion on their policies???


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The BBC is the most unbiased broadcaster in the world. I have never thought it showed an overall bias although I would admit that some programes have political slants, but its always the right wingers who squel, remember empty vessels make the most noise.

As for UKIP short sighted and verging on facist, who knows what they would be if they got elected.

Like it or loathe it leaving the EEC would be an economic disaster for this country, which is why none of the main parties advocate it. Any party that actual promotes this as a policy is not electable.
and who would like their house searched once a month
Didn't you feel like giving them a slap?

I think if that happened to us there would be note on our file saying 'volatile'
if you don't film them they threaten you

when they see a camera they become all nice and pleasant

peg must keep blinkers on when looking at these vids

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