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F.A.O Andy-Hughes?

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Garmard | 12:55 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Are you that guy off the radio?
You make references to interviewing celebs?


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(I did think he might be the Andy Hughes from the Orb when I first joined here, but as that one dies last year I guess he's not)
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thanks vibrasphere.
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vibes you imagining things again?
I know who he is, and a thoroughly nice bloke too.
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you couldn;t mean superstar dj by any chance?

and no chance of you looking cool

I knew an Andy Hughes once. He went to Grammar on the same bus as I went to the High. I thought he was fit.
He isn't now..... definitely gone to seed.

(It isn't the same person......) This is just a useless piece of trivia, at which I am good at.
Hi Garmard,

no I am not on the radio - was on local radio years ago, but no longer.

As my esteemed collagues have advised - and thanks for your nice comments folks - i am a part-time music freelance, which means i do get to meet celebs and music stars on a regular basis.

Do I have a namesake on the radio? Where?


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Thank you Andy.
Try Googling yourself Andy - it is surprising where you will find yourself.

My old, now dead, cat is on a website for a book about "Basil the Bionic cat". So - if George (RIP) can manage that your options are endless.
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i am sad enough to confess that I already have - years ago!

Most of the entries concern Andy Hughes who is a trance DJ in Florida, and not me, and one concerns the front cover of 'Creem' magazine in America, an interview with Morrissey - and that is me!

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F.A.O Andy-Hughes?

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