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I did hear it!

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poodicat | 18:58 Fri 16th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Came off a backshift last night, got to bed say 11pm then in my slumber i head the drones of a plane.all planes are grounded i thought,so back to trying to get to sleep,went into wotrk and argued with my colleague that i hadnt dreamed it,she said their was no planes flying,until another colleaque came in and said she had heard a plane back of midnight wots going on?


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I saw a plane yesterday (at about 5.30pm) and assumed that it was an 'emergency' as it had been reported that in some emergency situations (I assumed medical but could be wrong) they would be given clearance.
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Hi jb where are youin the uk?
Liverpool at the mo - not for much longer though! Where abouts are you?
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not all planes have been grounded in your neck of the woods poodicat....
We had a small executive-type jet flying over about 4pm yesterday - we assumed that it was either a weather plane or a journo. It was low level though so many have had permissions because it was flying well below 30000 feet.
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Know that stoke, but that was last night must not been a commercial flight
Apparently the seaplane that flies between Glasgow City Centre and Oban was able to fly as usual (four flights per day) as it doesn't fly at a high enough altitude to be affected. Could that solve your mystery?
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jb it had a heavy drone,doubt it was a seaplane but then we are near to a military base!
My OH was convinced that the whole thing was a cover up, and that really the Government were avoiding an imminent terrorist attack....don't think I'll tell him that you heard planes that could be from the military base..... the whole rant will start again!
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What part of liverpool are you from jb?
Originally Wavertree, but have lived in quite a few parts of the city. Do you know the area?
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Sister lived in wavertree now living in croxteth country park
small planes & helicopters are flying as they fly lower than the volcanic dust.

A filter or jet shield is called for ?
Does she like it? I don't! I'm 'emigrating' to Cornwall soon!
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Think she wants to come back to scotland but her children are from the pool,they lost their dad very young maybe one day
That's a shame....Liverpool is a great city, and the majority of people here are absolutely wonderful - I just don't like city life. I don't like shopping, pubbing, clubbing or eating out! The place is wasted on me!
And I know that this is a long shot, but your sister's name isn't Mel is it?
That's a point JB - I saw the seaplane today and never gave it a second thought :)
It's jet engines that are particularly at risk, because of the way they operate.

Perhaps your suspects were using propellor aircaft - which seems likely when you describe the sound as a 'drone'.

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I did hear it!

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