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Arthur Askeys mum was born in the same place as my dad

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dothawkes31 | 00:21 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
fascinating almost, ;)


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Hya dot, getting a bit disillusioned in here lately..sorry to go off subject
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no she was born 40 years b4 my Dad,

Joy, i don't bother much either, unless no_knowledge is returned to his rightful place at the cutting edge of all that is edgy about AB i shall continue to decline to participate
Big Hearted obviously!
yes there is a certain liveliness about the place when he's here dot
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I love arthur askey he's mental as anything and just never dates!
maybe I'm feeling a tad low after an' awkward day'
I will bounce back as per !
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grrrr 'bounce backs' don't remind me of work i'm off til sunday..............i wish i could afford the luxury of selecting a job that allows me to have time off work to be spend with my nearest and dearest, but as i live in the real world and not a fantasy land i have to make do,
but he's been a complete ar$e tonight
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hey, let him do what he wants then when he realises he;s been a complete elbow he'll have to make you a brew cos it will be Christmas day, delayed reaction is a wondwerful thing to behold in a man
I am going to bed now and will face another day day with renewed vigour...I
This is specially for dot but anyone CAN watch it too! LOL
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thanks Mrv, he's on more4+1 now it's been on for nearly an hour, old documentary as Val Doonican and Bob monkhouse look very well,

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Arthur Askeys mum was born in the same place as my dad

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