Our ally in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai has said he will join the Taliban.
“If you and the international community pressure me more, I swear that I am going to join the Taliban,” he is reported to have said.
The General Election has kept this off the British news agenda, but with our troops in that country shouldn't we be debating it and our future in Afghanistan?
This story was in The Times about 3 weeks ago and Karzai did make this comment because of Western pressure on him to sort out his brother Ahmed Wali Karzai who has links with the heroin trade and something about corruption but the guy is influential in Kandahar because of his family link with the President. And as we know Kandahar is the area the Allies need to control.
// The shameful, bloody silence at the heart of the election
So – we are currently sending young people to kill and die in order to prop up a sort-of-kinda-elected President who (like his people) opposes almost all our actions and is threatening to defect to The Enemy. You might think that is worth discussing. Yet when Afghanistan comes up in this election, the sole subject of complaint is that our helicopters don't work as well as they should. //
R1 can say all the time how "Lefties" behave i find it hard not to show him how "Righties" behave!
Wade into an argument all guns swearing offend as many as possible, offend some people he went into defend in the first place!!! and then realise he's wrong and have to apologise and clear up his mistakes!.....Remind you of any recent situations Geezer????