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It does make you wonder...

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bigfoot3000 | 11:58 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
17 Answers
Breathtaking and thought provoking?
The universe.


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We haven't lived have we.......Truly awe inspiring.
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Indeed garmard, Id love to get a projector with this video and others and aim it at my ceiling and just kick back with a drink and friends and ponder our mortality.
Thanks for posting that, Bigfoot. I have insufficient words to describe the beauty and the majesty of that - but when you say 'it does make you wonder' - I'd be more inclined to say it confirms my suspicions that the cruel and petty minded psychopathic God that people allow to control their minds and lives on this planet cannot possibly be responsible for such breathtaking magnificence. If there is a God, it has to be something far greater than him.
it is amazing.
if you look close enough at picture 8, you can definitely see the face of jesus !!
Most of those pictures of space have the colours added in to reflect temperature and if you were looking with your naked eye it would just be black and stars like a night sky.
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Flobadob so you're saying that all the planets,matter, anti matter, stars, gases etc..are all one colour?
Not planets, but I mean those pictures of big purple, red, blue etc. gas clouds. That's not real, it's temperature based. They look cool but.
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This site amongst others say that they're coloured.
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Here's an interesting article flobadob. http://www.thefreelib...+of+space-a0191014696
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So birdie so they are enhanced, does this mean that what we see as green, blue etc.. are actually that color to a degree?
Im mesmerized especially by the infamous "Pillars of creation"
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AahI see now, well thank you to yourself and flobadob and to the guys that "Fill in the spaces' so beautifully so we can appreciate and understand the universe bit better.
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Indeed they are birdie.
For more awesome pictures take a look at Galaxy Zoo forum.


If you care to look at the rest of the collection you will see that most galaxies are pretty ordinary. By chance some of the them are stunningly beautiful.

Such is the nature of a nearly infinite phenomenon that has existed for more than 13 billion years. Even something as exquisite as life itself can appear in something so ancient and vast.

It definitely makes me wonder how some people can be so boring to insist that a mysterious creator of undefined origen is behind it all.
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Great site beso, cheers!

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