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if you could have one wish

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fruitsalad | 18:12 Fri 16th Apr 2010 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
what would it be? (you cant say another 2) mine would be to go back to when I started secondary school, know what I know now, and do things differently.


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yes I would do that too, I would start at age 10 and see if I can make a better job of things!
to watch gordon brown spontaniously combust on tv for stealing my and many others pensions
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Ha ha !

I wish I'd not fought so much with my mother during my youth. your wish to return to your younger self with the knowledge and wisdom that you have gained as an adult and do your life differently ???
Mine would be for my son not to have Myasthenia Gravis a muscle weakness disease that has come out of the blue 12 months ago.
My one wish would be to find the cure for all cancers.
a cure for all cancers
Snap 4getmenot, we posted at the same time too.
Ooooooooh spooky, do do do do do do do do
If two people said the same thing at once in my youth, the parents always said it must be twenty past the hour.Looks likely!
Not to volunteer while in Germany in 1945.
I think I'd go back to school too, but not to work harder/pay more attention or whatever. No. I'd go back with the knowledge that there would be no reason whatsoever to be scared of anything my teachers and peers could do or say to me. Oh boy, would I tell them all a few home truths!

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if you could have one wish

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