We have to face facts here,however disagreeable they may be.
Youngsters of 13 and 14 are having sex(and yes were when I was young back in the 1920's and 30's) we didn't have effective (or even available) contraception then,and many young girls died because of botched backstreet abortions.
Nowadays hopefully we can look at this in a calm and more rational way.
It's no good being of the camp that says "They must wait until they are married" that just won't work,when these youngsters hormones get going everything else gets overlooked(like condoms).
I don't think ( for the moment) that telling the girls parents will do any good,it will only serve to (probably) drive her further into the arms (and bed) of the boy.
Personally,I would try and persuade her (if she is of age) to ask her GP to put her on the pill.I am not sure if he CAN do this,and if he can,if he has to tell the parent?
Either way,the girl needs to on some sort of contrtaception before another unwanted baby comes into the world.
Yes,ladies,the man also needs to wear a condom too,but we left everything up to the men before,and look at the World now!LOL