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still here

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joggerjayne | 03:51 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Working a bit of a long one tonight.


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I'm not working, just reading my book. Don't work too hard jj.
Just starting mine. Have a good one, mate ♥
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Hello... I couldn't schleep.
Nor me NM. Still reading my book and listening to the bloody noisy seagulls.
Hey you !

The birds are making a right noise out the front of the house. One of them did a big dollop on my ballustrads yesterday. :-(
Serves you right for flashing your ballustrads :-)
LOl... sorry about the typo, 'tis early. I've only just had the front ballustrades painted.

There's a beautiful red horizon out to see. I hear you guys have had some stunning sun sets..?

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still here

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