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without being snobby where is the most " chaviest " place in the uk

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zzxxee | 12:02 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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Why is it that the bigger the chav woman, the less they wear?
12:36 Tue 20th Apr 2010
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Wasn't South Oxhey where they made that fab programme about a real choir being formed there hundred?
Hartcliffe, Bristol invented the chav!
Hubbie says Preston. I say Hayling Island, Southend, etc. Why do people want to look like this, hair plastered back (Croydon facelift) with two strands of hair falling down the face, big gold earrings, no makeup, etc. etc. Just see Jeremy Kyle for more information ... as if you need it ! You are only young once, make the most of your youth and young skin and look pretty ! These kids want to look like they are in a gang .. clever (not). Just stoopid. or should i say shtooopid

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without being snobby where is the most " chaviest " place in the uk

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