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caslass | 17:18 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
to the thread about who you had been on a plane with? I typed my answer then submitted. Why was it zapped?


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Think the poster of the thread got zapped cas
roaldo has been zapped, god knows why...........
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It would be nice to know why. Now I can't tell the story about Patrick MvGoohan.
Why not cas? Did it involve Roaldo in some way?
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No Lardy it didn't. Why would it involve Roaldo?
Well I was hoping maybe there was a menage a trois involving you, Roaldo & Patrick McGoohan 36,000ft up? ;-)
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LOL lardy. I'm not a member of the mile high club.........Yet.
Ooh you 'aven't lived cas till you've been "Miled"

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