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Thingymebob.. avatar whatsit.

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Bbbananas | 07:26 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
How come some people have their avatar that shows on the main page, but have a different photo in their user profile? I have promised to give bobjugs a 'flash' by the end of this week of my good self - but only want it on my profile-y bit. I'm not very technologically minded. Can anyone help? Chucky darling?


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Might have something to do with your gravatar account, I wouldn't know as yet, I'm still in the making of my avatar. Cya later aligator, in a..... x
It's just your browser cache not updating the larger version of the picture in your profile, you can't actually have a different pic in there.

if it is showing a different pic then crtl + f5 should make it show the correct one, and even if it doesn't make it look OK to you everyone else can probably see the correct avatar you have set in gravatar.
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that's as clear as mud - thanks. By the time I've read it 8 times, it'll probably click.... x
My my chuck, you have lost some weight (hehe).
Nice to see you around again (I was the absent one)☺
I didn't think you can Salla.

i assumed that if you change your avatar, it changes 1st in your profile page then sometime later it actually catches up and shows whenever you make a post. So when we're seeing a different picture in a profile, we're just seeing them before the forum's caught up?

I could of course be talking complete bo11ocks.
^ lol... techno queen ;-p
After pressing Ctrl + f5, press 'submit' button at bottom of profile page.
lol shuddup snaggles.

I bumble along, but get here eventually :P
salla, I had the same problem. I wont go into technical details (because I can't) but when you open a thread, do a quick ctrl F5 and you will see peoples update avatars and your own. If people dont do the ctrl C5 thing they will see old avatars. I do hope that makes some sense!

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Thingymebob.. avatar whatsit.

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