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amiilouizzee | 21:57 Thu 15th Apr 2010 | Pregnancy
38 Answers
hi ive been having nausea, headaches, constipation, cramps, real bad back pain in the top of my back, boobs are a little painful not a lot tho. it hurts to have sex.. i havent thrown up, im tired, but this has all only just started. i dont no whats wrong with me. my boyfriend thinks im pregnant, but im not too sure that i am ..??


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You don't know you're not pregnant.
Presumably you would be in the early stages of pregnancy, so bad back pain could scarcely be attributed to carrying a microscopic embryo in your uterus, the way it could a developing foetus. The single largest cause of headaches is dehydration. Boobs are often tender right before your menstrual flow and sickness only occurs in 30% of pregnancies. If it hurts to have sex, perhaps you have a bladder infection?... that may also, in turn, cause constipation.
sorry I do feel mean putting that ummmm but my god at 17 you gotta know about the birds and bees having you? and be a bit more clued up than this girl
I have a water infection at that moment...Bad back, pain in my stomach....and occasional nausea. I also feel very heavy headed.
take your bracelet off
It's true though 4get. Someone living in care, who claims they are not ready for a baby....uses NO precautions WHATSOEVER.....It's shocking.

Contraception is free. There is no excuse not to use it.
Who take their bracelet off?
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no im not in need of a flat, ive got a job, and my own flat which is admittingly paid for by social services, and as you all said its just an infection or w.e so i shouldnt have to worry, i will get a preg test if i miss a period next month, will just have to wait and see. i was just asking for opinions wasnt asking for bloody sympathy or what not!
Im sorry but a woman who does not want to be pregnant will take precautions, Im thinking you want to be pregnant, I suggest you look into the reality of having children before you carry on playing russian roulette.
you ummm will stop you feeling so heavy handed. lol amiil who have all said its a water infection? sorry but are we reading a different post because all I can see is the majority of people say get a test done. Can I ask you why you arent using contraception? Did you want to get pregnant?
amiilouizzee....glad you have a job but if you had a baby you will working 10 times as hard....on little sleep.

That took me ages to figure out....
oh cr@p take your necklace off then ha ha
I thought you were saying on was being too heavy handed with her....and I actually thought I was being quite nice :-)
Seriously, if your period is not due till next month that's 2 weeks away meaning that if you were pregnant you would have got pregnant in the last day or so. No pregnancy test in the world is going to help you here! If you don't want to be pregnant and have had unprotected sex in the last day or so, then get the morning after pill
sounds like classic symptoms of pregnacy, all apart from 'it hurts to have sex' that to me sounds like you may have a STI. get yourself o a doctor asap
sounds like you probably got an sti, serves you right tbh. And if you don't think you're ready for a family, why For Funks Sake don't yuo use protection of some sort, do yuo wwant to either kill an innocent life in the end, or end up bringing an unwanted child into the world, while you're in care yourself!!!!!!!!!!???????????????

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