Haahaar - just got the swimhat joke. They use them in the hairdressers when they do your highlights - ha! there you go ttfn, wear the hat and pull the hair through the little holes. That'll get people talking!
quite stressful to be honest (my job). so i was glad to come home and relax! just had a lovely text message from a colleague thanking me for my help and support recently so thats made my day!
I wouldn't stop you from seeing Paul Martin gran. I was asking only for its aesthetic beauty - after all I don't need to keep my short hair out of my eyes, now do I? (;-)))
Aren't they a wierd bunch on David Dickinson's Real Deal boxy, they all look a bit dodgy and they don't part with much money. Paul Martin is nice, but it is a family hairyloom and I don't want to give it away. It must have cost all of £5 at that big card shop in town.
Well I understand that gran, I would feel the same. Some of those guys on DRD are wyrd..... I went to Flog It when it came here last summer, nobody fell on my treasures to film them (tho I was on a crowd scene) but they did give me some useful info about them, so it was an interesting day.