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If the Belgian Government bans the wearing of the burkha in public, will the...

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sandyRoe | 09:38 Fri 30th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...European Court of Human Rights direct them to withdraw the legislation?


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Probably. if these ladies feel strongly that their religion dictates they cover their bodies, then I think they have a right to appeal.
I hope not.
just a thought..........but would I be able to go unchallenged walking down the main street of a muslim country dressed in hot pants and a boob toob?
I suppose it will, but NOWHERE in the Koran does it say a Burka has to be worn. It's Taliban/Sharia law that dictates it.
As Mercia said, the burkha has sod all to do with religion, its a cultural thing. And I'd gladly welcome a ban of it here in the UK too.
What about the bloke who was granted a divorce because after he had married he found that his burkha wearing bride had facial
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Is finding a pig in a poke grounds for divorce under Sharia law?

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If the Belgian Government bans the wearing of the burkha in public, will the...

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