i hope you have one too, i;ve just had a phone call from the landlady and one of the barstaff has just bu&&ered off without warning for the weekend, we're already shortstaffed due to holidays so now it looks like i'm workign permenantly all weekend :-(
just popped in jan between stuff going on, hope you enjoy your week pet, at the top of the page is a link which should help you with your avatar, if it is the one I think in FB 1st you will have to click on it and send it to your pictures on your laptap, then follow the gravitar.com link using the same email as you use for here, hope this help
Joy ♥
I finished at 1030 this mornig, after the boss treated us all to Bacon Butties, i'm now back at home, ready to pick my kids up from school for the first time in ages.