oh god, not this one again. Do you believe everything you read on the internet? What do you think the Australian Pledge might be, then? Another prawn on the barbie?
Authentic and Whickerman can you supply a link that proves it's a fake or a spoof. ?
I have surfed the web and nowhere does Kevin Rudd denies or retracts his words.
He didn't retract them because he didn't say them.......
He didn't deny saying them because apart from the first spoof report, there was never any credence given to him actually having uttered them....
Interesting information but whatever the truth is , the very fact that neither he nor any other official chose to deny it indicates they don't disagree with the sentements.
Had they believed it was not in their interests they would be shouting their denials and threatening law suits against all concerned. As it is their silence tells it all and as we know the Aussies voted them into government.
I wonder what would happen here if any of our leaders were to make the same statement ?
Should politicians waste their time denying every internet hoax going? This is, I think, the third time it's been quoted on AB in a year. It's still a hoax.
Modeller, i think you need to sort your head/arrse interface.
If I started posting on Mumsnet.com that your Aunty Beryl had said "Purple cabbages give you AIDs", should your Aunty beryl give an international statement saying she hadn't. Or should she ignore it; and let the statement die, with only conspiriacy theorists and the slightly mental left to worry about whether purple cabbages do actually give you AIDs
My Aunt Beryl isn't trying to run the country , if she was you bet she would deny it or run around apologising just like Gordon Brown did. By ignoring it ,as you suggest, didn't let the story die, did it. On the contrary its sentiments have have been enhanced in this country and abroad. In the US it is repeatedly quoted by their politicians. I suggest its your interface which needs the upgrade to what is happening in the real world. Not in your PC Utopia.