Question Author
1. Esmeralda
2. The death of his dog. "His dog up and died, dog up and died, after 20 years he still grieves"
3. Nijinsky. Vaslav Nijinsky the ballet dancer and Nijinsky the racehorse.
4. Six answers
a. Harlem Shuffle
b. You should be dancing
c. I'm happy just to dance with you
d. Cheek to Cheek
e. Ain't gonna bump no more(with no big fat woman)
f. I can't dance
5. Buddy Ebsen ( of Beverly Hillbillies fame)
6. Seven answers
a. Potato
b. Trot
c. Bottom
d. Hop
e. Warp
f. Gully
g. Cokey
7. Pavlova (the meringue dessert named after Anna Pavlova)
8. Bandoneons
9. Six answers
a. Saturday Night Fever or Staying Alive
b. Flashdance
c. Footloose
d. Dirty Dancing
e. The Full Monty
f. Singin in the Rain