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just testing

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ummmm | 09:32 Mon 03rd May 2010 | Site Suggestions
9 Answers


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Your test was succesful.
a positive test result.. ooooo errrrrrr!
... the water?
Question Author
I was testing that if you press enter after filling in the title it submits the question. See Boxy's question below...
Question posting test : passed

AB username spotting test: failed.
I know it's a bank holiday Chuck.. but you look a bit bereft of clothing!!
Question Author
What have I done now chuck?
it was factors question, not boxys :)
I am lost by the question,
So please do not give me a rejection.

What's it all about,
Is now my shout.!!!

If it concerns Avatars'
I am lost in the stars.


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just testing

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