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I can't believe...

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lcg | 07:29 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i have to ask 10 questions to get my avatar up and running! i have used this site loads and chatted to many people under my old name stonekicker, but because i changed my mail address i have to go through this grind. i don't ask many questions really...grrr x


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Why didn't you just edit your user details?
Why did you change your name, you could have just changed the email address on stonekickers profile.
Question Author
didn't realise that at the time. if i change it back will i be able to use the avatar straight away or start all over again? x
Isn't it 10 questions AND answers? Looking at your profile you are passed that now so should be able to put up an avatar...
mmm...wonder if this did the trick...x
right. am logged in using kicker profile and registered with gravatar. have ticked box in edit user profile, so why is it still not showing? !
It can take a while. Is your avatar showing in your profile?
right...i'll try again...
ummm - no avatar is not showing in profile. now have matching addresses for ab and gravatar and done all the things people and ed have advised, but no luck. i'll keep trying tho...x
Hi SK, send me an email with the email address you've used for Gravatar in, I will have a poke around in the wires at the back of the hamster wheel.

[email protected]

Spare Ed
hi ed! have just sent you an e-mail to cancek my other account and will send you another with my new address. cheers! x
phew! this avatar business is a slog! x

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