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Quick ... Grab his microphone!

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joggerjayne | 08:18 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Just watching the News.

Gordon Brown finished talking to some market traders in Leeds, and his aide dashed straight over, and removed his lapel microphone.

Purleeeez !!

She might as well have had a banner saying ...

"He is still going to *** off the voters. We just don't want you to hear it!"

Has he not learned his lesson?

Can he still not be trusted with a microphone?

Are his own aides determined to make him look shifty?


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We cant say "sIag off the voters?"
possilbly JJ
you were thinking S -h - a -g
Question Author
The reporter even said ...

"Gordon Brown's aides obviously don't want us to hear what he really thinks about those market traders"

he's just trying to copy the Americans, they do it better though.
yup seen it JJ
Is that you in the Photo JJ ? Very nice, but are you being led away by the Swiss Police ! lol

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Quick ... Grab his microphone!

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