Have ants appearing in kitchen and dining room, have tried to trace where they are coming in from, but cant find it. I cant put ant powder down as we have a cat, so dont want to her get poisoned. Help!
something you could try and still use the ant-poison is just dissimulate it inside a container with a small opening (or more than 1 opening).
The only problem that it could cause is your cat dying if your cat is smaller than 2 centimeter. lol
Hope it helps.
P.S. you could also call an extermination office and ask them. They robably know more than me cause I'm no proffessionnal in that matter.
Improvise something helps too :)
I've got a little dog so I bought these (from a local hardware store) & put one where he couldn't get at it... within a couple of days all the ants were gone
Dont use any poison ... get some talcum powder and sprinkle it all around the edges of the room, and where they come in (holes around radiators as well). They hate talc. Take care of your cat !