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mightyWBA | 08:13 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Listening to Talksport radio at the moment and their newsreader just prounounced "Pakistan" as
"Parrrrrky Starrrrrn"
Surely it's "Pakistan" Where are the "r's"???
How do you lot pronounce it?


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Half way between.

I'd say "Pakistaarn"

The telly and radio do try to "Home Countify" a lot of foreign words and names.

One that irritates me is when lagagne is pronounced "lasaaargne"

Listen to an Italian say the word ... "lasagne" ... and try to be accurate !!
Not sure how I'd pronounce lagagne :)


If you listen to Pakistanis pronounce the name of their own country, it does tend to Parkistarn but more as if you were to say 'markisbarn' than any great extension or rolling of the 'r' sound.
I have often found that this is a particularly 'English' way to speak. Many of the peeps I know from over the border seem to need to stick an extra R in words, more so words which contain A's such as in your example WBA.

My OH's mum is English and she drives me nuts with going to Asdur for Pizzur or something with a Saurce! I mean what's that all about? And there is no R in Toilet either GRRR!!!
are people here actually saying the letter R is used (which seems more a Scottish way of speaking than an English one), or are you just indicating longer vowels? (which I would do with an H - pahkistahn)
Oh, and don't ask how I pronounciate pronounciation
What about Southerners with "Draw(r)ing instead of drawing.
I pronounce Birmingham Birmimammam ok I just cant actually say the word
-- answer removed --
"What about Southerners with "Draw(r)ing instead of drawing."

Not all of us, Everhelpful :0)
All the National Newsreaders and TV "Personalities"do ,yogi
Sorry to generalise,yogi.
Forgot to mention in my rant, being called "Mate" when being served in shops,etc.
Pakistanis pronounce it as Parkistan, so the radio is right. It's a long A.

I lived in Birmingham for a while and constantly got the mickey taken for coming to work on the BUSS instead of the BOOSE - and beacuase my brother spent many years in Manchester he always says he's going for a BATH when I say Barth.
..and I can't say anemoneme or pimarid, there is a basic defect in those words as far as my brain is concerned.
My grandaughter is from Buckingham and we take the mickey out of the way she says baarth, graarse etc. when she comes to Yorkshire she tries to talk like us which sounds strange. It.s the North/south divide I suppose.
Evening mighty.

As it is written. You wouldn't say Starrrrrn Boardman or Starrrrrn Bowles. "Starrrrrnd over there." It's like the football commentator (Probably Clive Tyldesley) who calls Didier Drogba "Drogbarrrr"
I hate being called darling or sweetheart in shops etc., Boxy I have trouble reading the word shopfitter, no matter when I see it I think shoplifter.
That could get you into trouble gran, but I know what you mean! You and I should go to Egypt, we might see a shopfitter by the pimarids.
askyourgran,just as well there is no such word as Shirtfitter,then!!

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