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paypal account

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alison6399 | 16:17 Fri 07th May 2010 | Business & Finance
2 Answers

I confirmed my visa card on my PAYPAL Account.

However, I have since received a replacement visa card due to an upgrade on my account

Do I need to confirm the new card even though it's just an updated version of the old one. Alrternatively, can I purchase items on Ebay paying with Paypal if my new card hasn't been confimed. My PAYPAL account has vbeen verified? I have tried asking Paypal this question and I haven't received a satisfactory answer. Please please please can anyone help?

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I think you would get more help if you ask these questions on ebay's 'community question and answer' board. Top right of the ebay home page. Good luck !
You say just updated but are all the start/end dates the same and the three numbers on the strip on the back the same? If anything is changed you will need to update the details on Paypal. I had to change my details when Santander sent me a replacement for my Abbey card as they'd changed the expiry date and the number on the back strip.

I don't think you could purchase through Paypal if they don't have the full details of your card.

If your new card details are identical why did they send you a new card unless you've only changed the picture?

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