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The Philedelphea Experiment

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Garmard | 13:52 Sat 08th May 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I was watching that old film "The Phil Exp" yesterday and although it was dire and very 80's in style, it mentioned at the start of the film that it was based on a true story.During the second world war an experiment took place to render a naval vessel invisible to radar, but it didn't just become invisible to radar, it became invisible to the naked eye as well. In the time the experiment took place i researched accounts from the sailors on board the "USS Eldrige" that explained that everything when black when it dissappeared and when the ship did finally reappear in the naval dock some of the sailors had become somehow fused into the deck and hull of the ship.........Nasty!
I'm always one for a good mystery to solve but i find this rather puzzling and to be honest rather far-fetched, i think it could have been some kind of US propoganda to scare the enemy........What do you ABer's think?


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Sorry, Philadelphia Experiment......Only human.
Well, this is what Wikipedia has to say about it:~
I saw some strange things in WW2,but 99% of them were explainable.
It's the 1% that always worried me! LOL
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It is highly weird Mr Veritas.

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