Slightly delicate subject .. Anyone had surgery in area of the pubic fascia (web med sites describe as penopubic junction)? How might it effect mobility?
I am not talking about hernias, which are pretty common. I have small tissue lumpiness appearing which I suspect are developing scar tissues from a nerve block I had a few years ago. They have appeared over last year and only in areas I had this block.
I am a workaholic Engineer and builder, and am more in fear of laying myself up for weeks than anything else. I am worried that it affect walking and lifting for quite a while.
Nevertheless, I feel some surgery coming on. Thankfully, I have a close female friend who is going to march me in, cos I'm pretty scared about it! :(
Otherwise very fit, 11 1/4 stone, active, no other probs.
Thanks for listening ... Any advice appreciated.
Well..an odd story.
Pubic fascia is a very thin layer of tissue.
I assume that your problem is either keloid scarring or nodules under the skin of which you are unhappy to live with.
The surgery to remove them would be superficial (not deep) and would not involve remove or dividing any muscle tissue.
If all my above assumptions are correct, then a period of 6days off work would do the trick.
Thanks .. Carlton .. Sqad ...
I'm in 40's tho and 5' 10"!
I couldn't find much on the web .. and haven't had it looked at yet.
Being laid up is the biggets issue for me tho!
Thanks again.
Albags it sounds like the biggest post-op problem for you is stopping yourself overdoing it. If I can give you any advice it would be to take your time to recover. Doing too much too soon could give you more trouble later on. Take a few weeks out to recover!