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Bobbisox | 13:51 Thu 13th May 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
I have asked before for a few of those little messages like the ones you have on your mobile
Phone ringing
be back soon
away for a dump as vibes said...LOL
a little green dot to say you are online

I hate it when somebody is kind enough to answer you and you have had to leave or been distracted, many reasons

Can this be done?


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nonsense, we pay for his gravy dinners
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have you seen the CAPS being used
Oi and less of the owld biddys eh?
well less of the biddy..ha-ha
its not really a chatroom as such is it so a simple bye or brb would be better
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well ok zeee, just thought I was being polite thats all...LOL
sorry did i come across grumpy ??? didnt mean to be xx
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not at all zeee ♥
"Gravy Dinners"

Very good!

Bobbi, I just couldn't quite work out what you were on about to begin with. Also, the caps and Title would have suggested something was urgent. It certainly wasn't!

Ideas for site improvements should for an orderly queue in the suggestions section. They should also avoid giving me heart attacks!
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message received and understood ED
^^ What a geordie crawler ( sweet though x )
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