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What the &%^&$& are you on Vibrasphere

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ayabrea38 | 02:17 Sat 15th May 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
and can I have some??
Just clicked on chatterbank and you seem to be very active,even though a bit crazy.
Dunno if I missed something but....anyway you seem to be having fun.
Are You??


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Certainly on a roll, wish I had that energy at this time. !
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Sorry should have said Hello aya, and soon to bed too, hic! ♥
Me too mamya. May have one more drink and then off to bed. Fell asleep in the armchair last night and woke up at 6 am.
Go for it Vibes,
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I envy my kids energy and wish I still had the creative energy that I had years ago.
Lets face it,its amazing I am posting here
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Jan you are not the only one.Did you have a stiff neck too?
Not this time aya. Have done before. Will definitely make it to the bed tonight. That's if the old man is not snoring too loud.
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I envy you.
I fall asleep in my armchair after a night of bbc i player
Cos apparently I snore
Friends and a fun night....ah I remember it well
Hope you can just chill tomorrow
Aya xx
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I remember what it is to have friends that dont stab you in the back.
enjoy tonight and I say you are not allowed a hangover tomorrow!
Aya xx
haha I agree I signed in & seen a few lively threads by vibrasphere, great to see folk having fun but I was too knackered to read n join in, but just the titles have gave me another hours fight in me lol

Aww ayabrea your last post was sad :( I've had friends who stabbed me in the back in the past, but I'm pleased to report I've made new ones :) & the experience as only made me stronger!! so chin up & fight on ;) XX

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