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bibblebub | 12:03 Sat 15th May 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

A woman went to hospital, complaining of stomach pains. An x-ray revealed a pair of false teeth in her stomach and she eventually admitted that she had swallowed her boyfriend's dentures during a passionate kiss.

So anyone got any snogging stories?


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I'll have to chew this one over I think
Good job she wasnt doing anything else,or it could have been Mr Bobbit
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I wonder if the boyfriend used the dentures again once they had reappeared? A night in steradent would work wonders.
I pity this poor Vicar bibblebub !
Love the whay that article ends with a hospital spokesperson saying "But our staff deal with them in a discreet, professional and kind way"

What, like telling the Sun about it?
And getting paid for it chuck
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I'm trying to figure out what variety of Potato it was EDDIE51! Desiree springs to mind ! :-)
Well........when I was a very junior Dr. at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. I was asked to go down to casualty to see an 18yr old boy with a spring up his backside.When i arrived there was a lad with his trousers down and a chest expander spring hanging down from is anus. When i asked him how it got there, he said "I saw it on the floor and was "wont" to sit upon it. X-Ray showed he had pushed half of it into his rectum. This was removed under anaesthesia, but he then developed peritonitis because a hook had penetrated his peritoneum. This "hole " did not settle and he had to have a colostomy, but eventually this was closed and he was discharged.......but not with a spring in his step. ;-)
Ha Ha Squad ! You must have seen some sights in your time whilst working as a Surgeon in these Hospitals. Most definitely some strange tales to say the least ! :-D
That sounds disgusting, in the perspective of the boy, and you Squad...

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