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baked beans

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christine847 | 22:35 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Some weeks ago Leggy told us that he had been to ASDA and bought some of their own brand baked beans and he thought they were ok.........well I bought some yesterday ......and by god do they make you parp!!
Have you had any?.....did they have the same effect on you?
Just wondering!


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yep leggy all seeing bean!!!
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yes Leg....the red tin
do hey
have asda in tinny rifife as well

im intriuged
ill fart all the way there instead of paying for flight

on me way to asda for more beans

to fuel me sell up

lol x pharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
up and away xx
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one to look out for, although beans are the least of my worries on that front.
Think I will stick with the 'classic'
Since Woolworths closed down in Folkestone the store was changed to a 99p store and they sell HP baked beans

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baked beans

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