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bobjugs12 | 21:08 Sun 16th May 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I've been struck down with the most deadly affliction known to humanity, and I need help before it kills me. I've got man-flu.
I feel like i've got the Ebola Virus, SARS, Swine Flu, Cholera and The Plague all at the same time. How come we can put a man on the moon but not find a cure for this?

RIP Bobjugs, he will be missed


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Are you still breathing, it helps if you are.
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I stopped breathing about three hours ago gran. And skin has gone a horrible gray colour. I think I may have actually bought the farm :(
You're not looking well. You are totally bald now.
And that suit is awful.
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You are aware that it's not actually me in the pic. It's a young Matt Lucas For Funks Sake
Are there any takers for the kiss of life..................................anyone?
Sorry bobj,, looks like you are on your own there,

Sorry the caps lock was on.
are you wearing the suit for vibes?
Your skin's gone grey Bob ..... your hair's just gone. [:o)
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Please, for the love of god, i'm poorly.
Where is the love and compassion????

Shurrrrrup ya wuss.

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