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What's wrong with prejudice?

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McMouse | 15:29 Mon 17th May 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Provided there is no discrimination or incitement to racial hatred etc, is it so wrong to have a pre-conceived
opinion that is not borne out by fact. When I used to travel extensively I came across so many opinions and attitudes where for example Asian people thought themselves superior to Africans, Japanese superior to Chinese, the educated above the uneducated, prosperous above the poor. If I tried to explain that we are all human and of equal value, the response was usually along the lines of "the man with 3 cows is superior to the one with none" or "my god is more important than your god".


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I'm not sure that I understand the question, but what predjudice is as you say reinforce a stereotype that one type of person is better than another.

If you take your cow question a man with 3 cows may be superior than a man with one, but this cannot be proved because he has more cows. The assumption that he is, is all thats wrong with predjudice. The no cow man may be in every way superior.

Then there is the the fact that this assumption is then used to to "reward" 3 cow man when he may be entirely undeserving of reward.

You cannot make any assumption about anyone based on a stereotype.

Nature has been quiet fair in this respect nice people come in all colours, religions, creeds, shapes, sizes and intellects. Unfortunateley so do a$"eholes
I think it rather depends upon whether or not that prejudice is the basis on which important decisions are made.

If you were turned down for a job because of your star sign you'd probably not post this question
Prejudice is based on ignorance and is generally coupled with discrimination. Reason enough not to like it.
My personnel belief is that everyone has at least one irrational prejudice, the big difference is whether you let that prejudice control your day to day actions
Sometimes you talk sense Bob...!! I need a lie down now..
How very profound Bob....
Quite right.

What's yours? ;-)
what if the man with no cows was jim skinner ?
My prejudice is against cats. Horrible little vermin grrrr
is that because they think they are superior to you ?
I've got cows....have any of you :)
I went out with a few cows Tambo, and i've got crabs how many of you can say the same? Ha I win!
They know they are superior to him... :-)

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What's wrong with prejudice?

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