I enjoyed it - except that George was rather more his 'image' than what he looked like.
I interviewed George, and Kirk Brandon about twelve months after this was set.
George was / is much bigger than Douglas Booth, he's about six foot one, and a really well-built bloke - wide chest and shoulders, big hands and a big bottom. he has a much bigger nose that Douglas, who was very pretty. That said, George has the most beuatiful luminous green eyes, while Douglas' eyes are brown.
Kirk Brandon was, by contrast, far skinnier and smaller than the actor who played him. He also talks with a far stronger sarf-London accent, and he has really sticky-out ears.
That said, it was a drama, and a very good one - very evocotive of the times and the styles - although very little of the 'cult with no name' made it north of Watford!