Planning a terror attack? - welcome to the UK. in The AnswerBank: News
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Planning a terror attack? - welcome to the UK.

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VHG | 10:47 Tue 18th May 2010 | News
7 Answers
No wonder the scum of the earth come to the UK.

No matter what you have done:- murder, rape, planning terror attacks, you are welcome to stay here as it seems we have little power to deport you.

This sort of thing really annoys me. How much is it going to cost our security service to monitor this guy (and his gang) while they remain in this country.


I know these men were never charged, but we should still have the right to deprt whomever we feel is a security risk.

And what proof is there "he faced torture or death back home in Pakistan".

He should have thought of that before planing terror raids.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Where is Geezer now. Not moaning about Lefties ? Brown's Britain ? Well no it's the Tories innit !
Wondered how long before someone blamed the Tories.

Just what do you expect them to do in a week a month or even a year. Labour left such a mess this just being one of them.
but it wasnt the tories who made the decision to let these scum stay was it.

they should be deported and then they can get some leftie do gooders to fight for them to come back if they want to fight the case.

I couldnt care less about what happens to them once they are out of this country, they are a risk and we dont need them here, out of sight out of mind
Dunno what you're on about Brionon, we're up to our necks in this because of 13 years of your Noo Labour Luvvies mates. How queck do you think the new Governement can clear up the mess from the lefty tifers, eh?
that's lefty Titfers!
Who thought it would be any different under a Tory/Lib Dem coalition?

1/ Our immigration policy all went to pot when Labour came to power.

2/ It wasn't going to change under the Tories, who are frightened to be seen acting in a Right-Wing manner.

3/ Knowing the Lib/Dem's long held attitude towards immigration, it isn't going to improve one little bit, now they are in bed with the present limp-wrist Tories.

If we cannot deport these terrorist, they should build a camp for them so we can keep an eye on them.
Tory Home secretary NOT appealing against this decision ?? Gotit yet ?

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Planning a terror attack? - welcome to the UK.

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