This rather lengthy article on a controversial new book, The History of White People, is rather interesting.
To make such claims as this ("Barack Obama is, to all intents and purposes, white. Not because he had a white mother but because of his educational background, his income, his power, his status") the writer would have to be black or there would be cries of racism.
It was in fact written by a black American historian,Nell Irvin Painter and entitled 'The History of White People'.
Precious Williams who reported on the book, and is also black stated:
/// At a recent dinner party I mentioned that I was reading Painter's The History of White People. A friend sitting opposite me casually remarked that she feels very proud of her family history – and of her race (she is white). There was a stunned silence among those seated around the table. The subject was swiftly changed. Later, one of the other guests (also white) leant over and whispered to me, "I hope you're not offended. She's not usually such a bigot." ///
/// So, merely admitting that you like being white makes you a social pariah? What's wrong with liking being white? Or black? Or both? Or something else? ///
This I agree.