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one-big-letdown | 15:41 Thu 20th May 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Sorry if this seems knowsey....

Do the moderators on here get paid?

If so, how much?

What is the process to become a mod, and what does it involve?



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I think you have to do the gladiator eliminator assault course and learn a foreign language.
Are there moderators then?
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@cazzz lmao!
Cazz is correct.

You also have to grapple with philosophical questions such as this:


There are 4 editors of the site, we produce content, deal with user issues (we hope) plan site development. There is me, the Spare Ed (Front line day time), The Big Ed (behind the scenes schemer), The Late Ed (weekday evening) and the Weekend Ed (Weekends) - and G.NOME, our language engine (basicly SkyNet).

All the best,

Spare Ed
Question Author
Thanks for the reply.

Is there a minimum time to the time you have to spend online?

Also, is it paid work?

Oh, and do you ask questions, or do you have an alias?

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