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Queen Victoria,

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stewey | 14:38 Fri 21st May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
thank you, Your Highness, for being born on May 24th thus giving your Colonial Subjects, we Canadians, an excuse for a long-weekend: Victoria Day................God bless the Queen!


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Is this just in British Columbia or all over Canada?
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It's nationwide, wooliej. I've noticed that you lot don't give your long-weekends a disignation; you just refer to them as bank holidays.
how come we dont have victoria day?
Some designations seem to have got dropped over the years.
May day, whitsun, etc..
Yeah let's all have Monday off as Beckham day.
the government got the kinks to do us a record instead
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An interesting feature of this holiday is that there are numerous large fireworks displays all over the place. Sort of like your Nov. 5th.
I thought May Day and Whitsun were the 2 Bank Holidays we have in May?
Yeah but who calis it that any more. It's all "early May bank holiday" and "Spring bank holiday" these days.

The early one changed when they decided we couldn;t have 1st May every year but the nearest Monday. The second one, well by defintion that's really a Sunday.
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Queen Victoria,

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