His solutions will depend on his age, his current financial situation, whether he has a mortgage or other debts, etc and a good pension scheme. . First advice would be to pay off any debts. Then, he should consider getting himself a good independent financial advisor (and be prepared to pay on a fee basis for the advice he is given - it will be worth it if he's not a financial expert). There will be no obligation for him to follow any advice he's given but it will help him understand all the options which can be tailored to his personal circumstances. . He should talk to a couple of them and see which one he feels most comfortable with as a good advisor will first want to understand his personal financial situation so that they can offer advice most suitable for his individual circumstances. He definitely SHOULD NOT go to a bank because they can only sell their own financial products, which will be limited in range and will almost certainly not be the most competitive deal available in the market.